Friday, January 4, 2013

229 and counting

Well I have not been here for almost a year, that does not mean that I am not  been dieting I have been.  It has been a long slow road of ups and downs, I now weight 229.  Now I didn't do to well at Christmas, but I have let it go and moved on, I have started logging my foods again, that seems to help.  And scouring the low fat cooking sites, that helps as well, variety is the spice of life they say.  So tonight I am making tacos, but I am having one taco, and on a lettuce leaf, salad, and an apple.  Also planning your food each day, helps alot takes the guess work out of it, when you are starving and making all the wrong choices.  I had to stop swimming for awhile, because of my shoulder having therapy on it, so exercise has been so so.  But I need to exercise I know that to help me with the weight loss.  Today was a nice day in the land of the so cold and snow, above zero, so took devil dog and  I went on an hour walk, got my exercise in and some fresh air, that always gives you a good perspective on life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee this is krissie here, I just found this blog and saw your goal to lose weight. I had to convert the poundage on a metric converter as we have kilograms over here and dont measure wieght in pounds.
    I too have put weight on after xmas its a bad time. Although its also summer here, and the heat makes me want to eat less! I too now struggle with weight issues as I have gotten older past middle age, it does get harder. I am trying not to eat cakes, and biscuits are my total downfall!!!
    I try not to keep sweet things in the house and binge ( we try to) on fruit if I need that sweet kicker.
    I would plainly tell that lady who gives you the cakes to make it into art supplies like the other person who commented! that is a great idea! good luck with this wiehgt loss thing, and I'll be inspired by reading your blog here too!
    ps I was going to walk to the shops today but its sooo hot its 37C so too hot to walk! so I'll drvie and thats not good when youre trying to lose some weight! all the best krissie
